Midnite Solar

The most powerful MPPT solar charge controler on the market at a great price!

The classic substantially increases the flexibility, features and range currently found on MPPT controllers at an incredible price. With all the classics you receive reliability, functionality and an incredibly powerful MPPT charge controller!


Solar Charge Controller - Midnight Solar

Product Features:

  • Manual and Auto EQ
  • Built in DC-GFP
  • Arc Fault Protection (not available on Lites)
  • Communicates with the Clipper and Whizbang Jr.
  • Mymidnite.com: Online Status Monitoring
  • Full Internet capability
  • Remote and local displays possible
  • 150, 200 & 250VDC operating voltage
  • Exclusive HyperVOC extends VOC limits
  • 380 days of daily history, 24 hours of data at 5 minuts intervals
  • 12-72V battery charging standard
  • Solar, Wind and Hydro MPPT modes
  • Communication- Ethernet, Modbus and RS232
  • Parallel operation for multiple Classic systems
  • ETL Listed for the US and Canada
  • Made in America

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Solar Surya Indotama
Solar Surya Indotama
SSI adalah perusahaan EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) di Indonesia, berdiri sejak 2012 dan telah bersertifikasi EBTKE (Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi), fokus utama kami yaitu energi matahari berbasis Solar PV (Photovoltaic) sebagai sumber energi alternatif.

SSI berkomitmen untuk memberikan produk dan layanan EPC yang terbaik dengan menekankan pada teknologi terbaru dari segi kualitas ke dalam berbagai sistem PLTS, dari tahap Perencanaan, Manajemen proyek hingga commissioning pengoperasian dan pemeliharaannya.

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